Thursday, November 20, 2014

Comet 67p emitting Alien signals? Is Comet 67p just disguise for Alien ship?

Rosetta's magnetometer picked up sounds from Comet 67p which was below human hearing so Esa increased frequencies so humans can hear it. Recorded sound is similar to sound Predator is making.
Scientists think that comet releases neutral particles into space where they become electrically charged due to process called ionisation.
UFO believers claim that Comet is actually alien spaceship sending signals which is just disguised to look like a comet and that the real purpose of the mission are aliens.
An email was sent to a owner of some UFO site by anonymous ESA ''whisteblower''. the email said this: ''Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend a billions of dollars to build and send to a 12-year old journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked comet floating in space.'' He also added that comet is able to change its trajectory.
He also sent images of comet before airbrush wich contained some disc on comet and some building (not images below).

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