Sunday, December 7, 2014

Earth - Prison Planet?

I came across few articles like ''Aliens brought humans to earth'' , ''Is Earth a rrison planet and the moon a startion for guardians?'' so i decided to write something about this.

According to ecologist some chronic illness as bad backs could be a sign we evolved on a world with lower gravity. He said that on this planet we are all ill and that you cant find a person who is 100% fit and healthy. Mankind is supposedly most developed species on the planet and so unsuited for Earth environment. We are harmed by a sunlight, dislike for raw food and there is a feeling among humans that something just isnt right. As they say, Earth might be a prison planet since we are naturally violent species.
Another thing they say is that Moon is hollow and that it is actually a space station.
Assuming that theory above is correct, are Alien abductees are actually saved from prison Earth?

1 comment:

  1. Listen VERY CAREFULLY..Ufos and aliens are two entirely DIFFERENT 'phenomina'..'Ufos' are SUPRESSED 'Tesla Tec and 'aliens' are Fallen Angels/DEMONS..PERIOD..God is GOOD & Lucifer/SATAN is D'evil..its that simple...The Synagogue of SATAN knows the REAL HEBREWS are BLACK...Jesus was BLACK n the romans n jews hid that and that is what the 'illuminate' 'Divince code' SECRET ISSS...Allah/God is the same..its all divide n conquer to bring in the New World Order..a FASCIST COMMUNISM for ALL..all because they cant handle that FACT..howpe this was enlightening..The Bible, Koran n Buddist Teachings are ALL WE NEED for PEACE n PROSPERITY
