Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Close encounter with a beauty

John Day laughed at stories about UFOs... until one night he entered a green fog with his car and erased three hours of his life from his memory.
That happened at december 1978, when 33 year old John, father of three, and his wife Susan, 29 year old, were returning to their home in Sussex from a parent visit at Harold Hill.
Under normal circumstances, trip would last 30 minutes. They went off in 9:20 pm, and when they arrived clock above fireplace showed 12:45 am. I the next few night, they both always had the same dream: two of them laying on surgery table and being examened by strange creatures. Unbearable nightmares were starting and they were affraid to go to bed.
Finally, Day decided to turn to a group of UFO experts, which took him to a dentist and hypnotist Leonard Wilder. Under the hypnosis, Day subconciously reveals his incredibly story.
Some white light, that was following their car, landed on meadow next to the road and highlighted them in car from something that looked like a space ship. Day was talking that he suddenly woke up in huge room, standing next to three aliens that were tall around 2 meters and dressed in one-pieced silver-gray suits that were looking like sleeping bags. Lower part of their faces was covered and they were staring in him with their pink eyes without eyelids.
'' I realised that i understand what they want me to do'' , Day said. ''I think they were communicated with me telepathically. I know that they wanted me to walk around the room and I did it. One door led to other room. We all went there.
That was obviously, researching cabinet and they ordered me to lay down on some sort of surgery table. Above me, mechanical arm was swinging that was examining my body.  Then, three more creatures appeared, stubby and ugly like midgets. One of them encouraged me with an object that looked like a pencil.
After a few moments, it seemed that examaning was finished. I asked them to look around their ship and they agreed. All furniture was molten in the wall. On one table i saw a bunch of magentic cubes. That looked to me like a puzzle.
At the end, they left me alone in one room. All of a sudden, one incredibly beautiful woman appeared... with a golden hair, surrounded by green mist. She came to me, but when i approached to her, she disappeared. In next moment i woke up in my car on my way home.
Until this didn't happend to me, I didn't believe in UFOs. However, now I'm convinced that aliens are among us and that they appear only when they want to. One of comers that i met on ship always told me that they are in frendly mood. O enjoyed my encounter with them. ''
Hypnotiser Wilder said: ''I don't suspect that Mr. Day is telling the truth - when i hypnotized him for the first time, i required him to tell me just what really happened.''
His wife Susan didn't accept to be hypnotized, saying how she doesn't want to relive that expirience. Later, talking to her husband, she remember something that happened to her too.
John Cler, reporter from News of the Worlds, she said: ''While i was laying down on surgery table, they rubbed some pink liquid over me. Then they washed it. They touched me all over the body with some object shaped like pencil and... they didn't pay attention to embarrassment. Then i shrieked.
One of taller aliens approached me and placed his hand on my forehead. I felt some peacful warmness. Later they conducted me over the ship. They showed me the screen and said: ''That's the Earth''. They zoomed picture and pointed England with a finger. Then they moved even closer and showed me where I live.
I told them that I don't want back and asked if I can stay on the ship. They agreed. Then I saw John on the screen, entering his car and everything started to fade. While he was fading, I said i changed my mind and I want back. In the same moment I was in car seat next to John.''
English Ufologist Berry King says: ''We conducted investigation and we are convinced that these two really had close encounter of third kind. Some of their decriptions are similar to those given in other cases. We don't have reason to suspect in authenticity of their story.''

UFO cures paralysis

A French doctor claimed that light beams from UFOs cures paralysis where medicine is powerless. From injury got in Algeria 1958. One of his legs was paralysed and doctor was limping while walking. He also had a wound on a leg he injured working in a garden.
2nd November 1968. he was waken up by his son's cry and he went to get him a glass of water. Seeing outside a glow from some light, he went on the deck to see what could it be. He saw two flying object merging into one while they were landing towards the house. Light beam lit him, and then UFO disappeared, as image on TV when its turned off. When he was rushing to tell his wife what happened, he realised he was running. His wound that wanst calming down in the hospital for months, healed all of a sudden.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Earth - Prison Planet?

I came across few articles like ''Aliens brought humans to earth'' , ''Is Earth a rrison planet and the moon a startion for guardians?'' so i decided to write something about this.

According to ecologist some chronic illness as bad backs could be a sign we evolved on a world with lower gravity. He said that on this planet we are all ill and that you cant find a person who is 100% fit and healthy. Mankind is supposedly most developed species on the planet and so unsuited for Earth environment. We are harmed by a sunlight, dislike for raw food and there is a feeling among humans that something just isnt right. As they say, Earth might be a prison planet since we are naturally violent species.
Another thing they say is that Moon is hollow and that it is actually a space station.
Assuming that theory above is correct, are Alien abductees are actually saved from prison Earth?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Possible Connection between Tesla and Aliens

There were rumours that Tesla received his invetntions from Aliens. Many People including politicians, scientist and others wanted to stop him to bring out his projects to humanity and take them for themselves hiding them from public.
Tesla followers believed that he was Alien reincarnated on Earth. There was a big storm when he was born and in that period its coincided with the old Zoharic prophecy about the opening of the gates of wisdom upon the earth.
This is the most popular quote from Tesla regarding communication with other realms:

''My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strenght and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of its core, but i know that it exists.''

Is what he calls a core actually an alien race that people say he was part of?

He built a laboratory in Colorado in which he recorded cosmic signals. Scientific community didnt believe him because they didnt know about cosmic signals at that time.

Tesla stated that he has a feeling that he was a first to hear a greeting from one planet to another.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Retired US soldier claims he spent a 17 years on Mars battling Aliens?

Retired US soldier only known by name Captain Kaye says he spent 17 years defending 5 human colonies on Mars from Aliens who wanted to make planet their own.
He said that he served a secret space fleet called ''Earth Defense Force'' which recruited military personnel from America, China and Russia. He also stated that the spacecraft recruiting took place on the Moon and Saturn's satellite Titan and also in deep space.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Black Knight, 13 000 year-old Alien Satellite Orbiting Earth

Extraterrestrial satellite has been orbiting Earth for quiet some time now. Most talked about object since late 50s who caused big interests in media. At first they thought it was Russian satellite.
Nikola Tesla was the first one who picked up radio signal in 1899 and he believed its coming from space which he said in the public conference.
In 1920, amateur radio HAM operators received same signal.
Later by 1960 USA and Russians was both sending satellites in space. On February 11, 1960 US Navy picked up something what was described as dark, tumbling object which wasnt their nor Russian. Is it really Alien artifact or satellite?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Alien Grey hidden in US dollar bill?

Don Gillson, host of the radio show called ''32 degrees of insanity'' received decoding of US Treasury Dollar Bill, secretly showing alien grey. Eagle wings are clearly shaped as alien eyes. Could this be a secret message of who is in charge of USA government? If that is true does that mean they are hostile since look at what America is doing?