Thursday, December 4, 2014

Possible Connection between Tesla and Aliens

There were rumours that Tesla received his invetntions from Aliens. Many People including politicians, scientist and others wanted to stop him to bring out his projects to humanity and take them for themselves hiding them from public.
Tesla followers believed that he was Alien reincarnated on Earth. There was a big storm when he was born and in that period its coincided with the old Zoharic prophecy about the opening of the gates of wisdom upon the earth.
This is the most popular quote from Tesla regarding communication with other realms:

''My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strenght and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of its core, but i know that it exists.''

Is what he calls a core actually an alien race that people say he was part of?

He built a laboratory in Colorado in which he recorded cosmic signals. Scientific community didnt believe him because they didnt know about cosmic signals at that time.

Tesla stated that he has a feeling that he was a first to hear a greeting from one planet to another.

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