Saturday, November 29, 2014

Retired US soldier claims he spent a 17 years on Mars battling Aliens?

Retired US soldier only known by name Captain Kaye says he spent 17 years defending 5 human colonies on Mars from Aliens who wanted to make planet their own.
He said that he served a secret space fleet called ''Earth Defense Force'' which recruited military personnel from America, China and Russia. He also stated that the spacecraft recruiting took place on the Moon and Saturn's satellite Titan and also in deep space.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Black Knight, 13 000 year-old Alien Satellite Orbiting Earth

Extraterrestrial satellite has been orbiting Earth for quiet some time now. Most talked about object since late 50s who caused big interests in media. At first they thought it was Russian satellite.
Nikola Tesla was the first one who picked up radio signal in 1899 and he believed its coming from space which he said in the public conference.
In 1920, amateur radio HAM operators received same signal.
Later by 1960 USA and Russians was both sending satellites in space. On February 11, 1960 US Navy picked up something what was described as dark, tumbling object which wasnt their nor Russian. Is it really Alien artifact or satellite?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Alien Grey hidden in US dollar bill?

Don Gillson, host of the radio show called ''32 degrees of insanity'' received decoding of US Treasury Dollar Bill, secretly showing alien grey. Eagle wings are clearly shaped as alien eyes. Could this be a secret message of who is in charge of USA government? If that is true does that mean they are hostile since look at what America is doing?

Roswell UFO Museum

Walter Haut, together with Glenn Dennis who is participant in Roswell incident opened a UFO museum and a research center in 1992. The museum continues to provide informations about UFO phenomenon. People come from all around the world to see it and simply be in the place where all happened. People also visit crash site and other places connected to incident. Alot of visitors come numerous times spending days and weeks researching in the library.
In 1996 people made up new thing called Roswell UFO festival, annual of the Crash which contains alien costume contests, trade shows, UFO lectures...

Roswell Museum on Gmaps

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Roswell 1947 UFO Incident

Biggest world cover up and the most famous UFO crash. It happened around July 8, 1947 when something what is supposed to be UFO crashed at ranch near Roswell. Rancher Mack Brazel and son of Proctor's rode on horses to check on sheep. While they were riding they noticed a pieces on the ground which seemed to be metal debris scattered around the place. They noticed a shallow trench investigating further. Brazel said that he was struck by a metal debris when he was moving large pieces so he decided to take some of it to show Proctors. Mrs Proctor said she remembers Brazel showing her strange material.
Proctors said to him that he might hold a part of wrecked alien spaceship and that he should report to sheriff so he did. Eyewitness William Woody said he was out with his father at night july 4th when he saw a brilliant object crashing to the ground.
Crash site was closed until the military cleared the area.
Debris is described as a indestructible material thick as tinfoil. If it was a tinfoil or something regular it wouldnt been reported. Alongside there was something shaped like I beams 3-8 inches by quarter of inch. There were also some writings on I beams like geometric shapes, leaves and circles which shine purple.
Glenn Dennis was a mortician working at Ballard Funeral Home, received a call from RAAF morgue. The base's mortuary officer was trying to get small hermetically sealed coffins and wanted to know how to preserve bodies who have been exposed to the elements and avoid
contaminating tissue. He drove later to the hospital where he saw large pieces of wreckage with strange engravings. He entered hospital visiting nurse when he was threatened by military police and forced to leave.
Next day he met with the nurse who told him that the bodies were found along with wreckage. She drew a picture of them on a prescription pad. Within next few days she was transferred to England. Bodies were taken and kept in Hangar 84.
The photo seen in newspapers of two guys holding a weather balloon is probably forced by military.
There are few stories:

Aliens - The most popular one and probably the truth

Weather balloon - Top secret military weather balloon called Mogul. So secret that people who worked on it didnt know his name. And what about bodies? They said they were test dummies but test dummies were not used until 50s. There are also tellings of shaved monkey, japanese test pilots so they just cant make up their mind.

German documentary stated that UFO crashed in Roswell was actually a Nazi aircraft.

There is a UFO museum now in Roswell containing things connected to the crash.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Battle of Los Angeles

February 25th, 1942 a massive UFO appeared in Los Angeles. In the morning there were first alerts of invasion. Everyone thought it was Japanese planes attacking America. Army's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade lighted up the sky with their spotlights. They started shooting rifles with Army's 37th anti aircraft guns but the UFO remained undamaged. This remains me of ''Independence Day'' movie. There were alot newspaper articles about this story. The UFO continued to the long beach where it disappeared from the view. This is shortly what happened except some witness stories because no one knows what was it its like this. What was this? Government states it was weather balloon but you got to be kidding, weather balloon that big resistant to anti aircraft guns?

UFO in Sweden (2012)

UFO escorted by Air Force Fighters

Two military jets escorting an UFO in Italy, 2011. Supposed to be near USA military base.

Alien Grey captured in Brazil

Two men responsible for releasing this video were arrested, not for capturing alien but for releasing the video. Everything else is said in the video.

Area 51 - Alien Interview

Whistleblower calling himself ''Victor'' claims that this is the copy of original footage recorded in Area 51. Because of fear he didnt say where the copy was made or how he got it. In 1996 he did not manage to get television networks to view and air his video so he contacted independent home video distribution company in Los Angeles called Rocker pictures. They agreed to produce an documentary based on his video after a phone call. A year later Victor was interviewed on a radio show over a telephone and a device to alter his voice.
Victor said that the alien was brought in Area 51 in 1989 after its craft was shot. He decribses the part of glass near alien as a bio-containment area ment to protect aliens from viruses and microbes. A person who could be seen in the left foreground is an officer attempting to communicate with alien telepathically.
After a half video alien is visually distressed and begins to suffer from the violent spasms and bouts of choking.  The officer calls a 2 medics wearing scrubs and masks to cure alien. Medic shine a flashlight into his facial orifices and one begins to wipe foam of its mouth. Video ends here and it contains no sound which Victor removed to protect anonymity of seen people.
DNI/27 could be a coded date and time, and DNI might stand for Department of Naval Intelligence, group responsible for Area 51, a fact not many people know about

Friday, November 21, 2014

Flatwoods Monster (Alien) - Is it real?

The story begins at 1952 in town Flatwood, Braxton County, West Virginia when the flying object fell from the sky, and the creature also. At september 12 Sheriff Robert Car and his Deputy recieved call about craft that crashed on the Elk river. Some kids playing football saw sightings and went to check it out. They say night was foggy and quote
''The air had a metallic smell that burned our eyes and noses.'' Also there was a dog who ran in front of the group and returned with a tail between his legs, frightened by something. They saw a ''glowing hiss'' about 100 yards away and then a 10 foot tall creature appeared. Creature had a bright red face, bright green clothing, head that resembled ace of spades and clothing which, from the waist down, hung in great folds. Creature started to move towards them and they run away. They notified Sheriff and returned next morning but they saw only skid marks. Sheriff believed that they have seen a Meteor or Comet crashing on earth and an animal eyes shining mistaken for Alien. Resident of Birch River testified that he saw bright orange object circling overhead Flatwoods area. A woman and her mother also stated that they have seen a tall creature, eleven miles from the spot of the first sighting.
Every year there is a three day festival celebrating the ''Green Monster'' which concludes trip to a original sighting spot.

UFO in Nanjing,China (18.07.2005)

UFO appears to be moving slowly and in one point flash some lights and disappear in super speed

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Was Spring-Heeled Jack an Alien?

He was appearing at night, coming with giant jumps, eyes like fireballs, hand with a sharp, cold claws and mouth that was spitting fire. In 1837 in London when he first time appeared he attacked a beauty named Polly Adams, daughter of farmer Kent was wildly attacked and attacker disappeared jumping far through the air. Lucy Scales and her sister were suddenly attacked while heading home when creepy creature jumped from the darkness and spit fire at her making her temporarily blind and then disappeared.
Stories are that there were rich people with nothing to do spreading fear over the country. Last report was in 2012.
Was it an alien? how can someone be alive for almost 200 years? Alien species who live long or another alien? How could people make such gadgets at beginning of 19th century? and master them so they dont fall or make mistakes?

Comet 67p emitting Alien signals? Is Comet 67p just disguise for Alien ship?

Rosetta's magnetometer picked up sounds from Comet 67p which was below human hearing so Esa increased frequencies so humans can hear it. Recorded sound is similar to sound Predator is making.
Scientists think that comet releases neutral particles into space where they become electrically charged due to process called ionisation.
UFO believers claim that Comet is actually alien spaceship sending signals which is just disguised to look like a comet and that the real purpose of the mission are aliens.
An email was sent to a owner of some UFO site by anonymous ESA ''whisteblower''. the email said this: ''Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend a billions of dollars to build and send to a 12-year old journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked comet floating in space.'' He also added that comet is able to change its trajectory.
He also sent images of comet before airbrush wich contained some disc on comet and some building (not images below).

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 000 year old rock found with Alien and UFO paintings

Rock with a paintings which can be seen on the images was found in Chamara (Chhattisgarh), India.
Chattisgarh state department of archeology and culture was planning to seek help from NASA and ISRO. Cave with paintings is located under the village Chandeli and Gotitola.
Images are showing something what appears to be humanoid aliens and UFOs which is interesting concidering peoples knowledge from 10 000 years ago. Chattisgarh didnt have any expert who could say anything more about paintings.
There are few stories among the locals, some are worshipping the paintings and other heared stories from their ancestors about ''Rahola people'' who are supposed to be small sized creatures who used to land from the sky and take away one or two people with them who are never seen again.

People who saw them said that they were done in natural colors and haven't faded desptie the years.

Lower creature looks like today ''usual'' alien and the creature above looks like it has something on his head and some kind of a weapon which is looking like a sword.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Alien spotted in Brazilian jungle

Originally this photo comes from a video of two British tourists recording kids. In the back alien can be seen standing next to the tree. On the right side was flashing light. This area was know for intense UFO activity. Can it be that the flashing light is the spaceship? And alien just got out to strech?

here is the full image

Alien Grey photographed in Canada?

4 girls were photographing around in Chauveau Park unaware that they were watched by a humanoid creature looking like Grey alien. They havent seen the possible alien when they were taking photos, they spotted him later when they were viewing the images. It appears that he has something on his wrists and some kind of a belt. It also appears that there is some steam around his neck.

here is the original photo

There was also an explanation that its some worker with helm standing on a bicycle but you cant see creature holding anything. Estimate yourself.

Roswell 1947 Alien Footage

Appearently this is only footage taken in Roswell 1947 when UFO crashed. I will write about this theme detailed another time.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dead Alien found in snow (Russia)

Two walkers found a dead alien in Siberia and decided to film it. Half buried alien lies there near
Irkutsk, Russia. This area is know by numerous UFO sightings reported every year.
Alien is described as 2 ft tall and with holes where eyes and mouth should be.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Alien Appears in Duck X-Ray

After duck died from unknown reasons, someone decided to check it out. They had something to see, alien appears in duck x-ray. Nothing much is know about the case. Question is why didnt they open the duck?

Did duck swallowed alien? Was duck abducted? Or some experiments were done to her? Only duck knows the truth.

Alien crossing highway road in UK

Highway surveillance video showing humanoid creature rining across highway. Looks like an animal but when you pause it looks unidentified. Paranormal investigators concluded that video was not fake. What do You think?

UFO in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

 As you can see, during a news report something  draws people's attention. UFO in daylight flying  low. This took place around the theater in  Sarajevo, Bosnia.

 Here is another video of same UFO which was  taken same day.

Possible landmarks of UFO outside the theatre