Sunday, November 23, 2014

Roswell 1947 UFO Incident

Biggest world cover up and the most famous UFO crash. It happened around July 8, 1947 when something what is supposed to be UFO crashed at ranch near Roswell. Rancher Mack Brazel and son of Proctor's rode on horses to check on sheep. While they were riding they noticed a pieces on the ground which seemed to be metal debris scattered around the place. They noticed a shallow trench investigating further. Brazel said that he was struck by a metal debris when he was moving large pieces so he decided to take some of it to show Proctors. Mrs Proctor said she remembers Brazel showing her strange material.
Proctors said to him that he might hold a part of wrecked alien spaceship and that he should report to sheriff so he did. Eyewitness William Woody said he was out with his father at night july 4th when he saw a brilliant object crashing to the ground.
Crash site was closed until the military cleared the area.
Debris is described as a indestructible material thick as tinfoil. If it was a tinfoil or something regular it wouldnt been reported. Alongside there was something shaped like I beams 3-8 inches by quarter of inch. There were also some writings on I beams like geometric shapes, leaves and circles which shine purple.
Glenn Dennis was a mortician working at Ballard Funeral Home, received a call from RAAF morgue. The base's mortuary officer was trying to get small hermetically sealed coffins and wanted to know how to preserve bodies who have been exposed to the elements and avoid
contaminating tissue. He drove later to the hospital where he saw large pieces of wreckage with strange engravings. He entered hospital visiting nurse when he was threatened by military police and forced to leave.
Next day he met with the nurse who told him that the bodies were found along with wreckage. She drew a picture of them on a prescription pad. Within next few days she was transferred to England. Bodies were taken and kept in Hangar 84.
The photo seen in newspapers of two guys holding a weather balloon is probably forced by military.
There are few stories:

Aliens - The most popular one and probably the truth

Weather balloon - Top secret military weather balloon called Mogul. So secret that people who worked on it didnt know his name. And what about bodies? They said they were test dummies but test dummies were not used until 50s. There are also tellings of shaved monkey, japanese test pilots so they just cant make up their mind.

German documentary stated that UFO crashed in Roswell was actually a Nazi aircraft.

There is a UFO museum now in Roswell containing things connected to the crash.

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