Saturday, November 22, 2014

Area 51 - Alien Interview

Whistleblower calling himself ''Victor'' claims that this is the copy of original footage recorded in Area 51. Because of fear he didnt say where the copy was made or how he got it. In 1996 he did not manage to get television networks to view and air his video so he contacted independent home video distribution company in Los Angeles called Rocker pictures. They agreed to produce an documentary based on his video after a phone call. A year later Victor was interviewed on a radio show over a telephone and a device to alter his voice.
Victor said that the alien was brought in Area 51 in 1989 after its craft was shot. He decribses the part of glass near alien as a bio-containment area ment to protect aliens from viruses and microbes. A person who could be seen in the left foreground is an officer attempting to communicate with alien telepathically.
After a half video alien is visually distressed and begins to suffer from the violent spasms and bouts of choking.  The officer calls a 2 medics wearing scrubs and masks to cure alien. Medic shine a flashlight into his facial orifices and one begins to wipe foam of its mouth. Video ends here and it contains no sound which Victor removed to protect anonymity of seen people.
DNI/27 could be a coded date and time, and DNI might stand for Department of Naval Intelligence, group responsible for Area 51, a fact not many people know about

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