Friday, November 21, 2014

Flatwoods Monster (Alien) - Is it real?

The story begins at 1952 in town Flatwood, Braxton County, West Virginia when the flying object fell from the sky, and the creature also. At september 12 Sheriff Robert Car and his Deputy recieved call about craft that crashed on the Elk river. Some kids playing football saw sightings and went to check it out. They say night was foggy and quote
''The air had a metallic smell that burned our eyes and noses.'' Also there was a dog who ran in front of the group and returned with a tail between his legs, frightened by something. They saw a ''glowing hiss'' about 100 yards away and then a 10 foot tall creature appeared. Creature had a bright red face, bright green clothing, head that resembled ace of spades and clothing which, from the waist down, hung in great folds. Creature started to move towards them and they run away. They notified Sheriff and returned next morning but they saw only skid marks. Sheriff believed that they have seen a Meteor or Comet crashing on earth and an animal eyes shining mistaken for Alien. Resident of Birch River testified that he saw bright orange object circling overhead Flatwoods area. A woman and her mother also stated that they have seen a tall creature, eleven miles from the spot of the first sighting.
Every year there is a three day festival celebrating the ''Green Monster'' which concludes trip to a original sighting spot.

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