Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 000 year old rock found with Alien and UFO paintings

Rock with a paintings which can be seen on the images was found in Chamara (Chhattisgarh), India.
Chattisgarh state department of archeology and culture was planning to seek help from NASA and ISRO. Cave with paintings is located under the village Chandeli and Gotitola.
Images are showing something what appears to be humanoid aliens and UFOs which is interesting concidering peoples knowledge from 10 000 years ago. Chattisgarh didnt have any expert who could say anything more about paintings.
There are few stories among the locals, some are worshipping the paintings and other heared stories from their ancestors about ''Rahola people'' who are supposed to be small sized creatures who used to land from the sky and take away one or two people with them who are never seen again.

People who saw them said that they were done in natural colors and haven't faded desptie the years.

Lower creature looks like today ''usual'' alien and the creature above looks like it has something on his head and some kind of a weapon which is looking like a sword.

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