Thursday, November 20, 2014

Was Spring-Heeled Jack an Alien?

He was appearing at night, coming with giant jumps, eyes like fireballs, hand with a sharp, cold claws and mouth that was spitting fire. In 1837 in London when he first time appeared he attacked a beauty named Polly Adams, daughter of farmer Kent was wildly attacked and attacker disappeared jumping far through the air. Lucy Scales and her sister were suddenly attacked while heading home when creepy creature jumped from the darkness and spit fire at her making her temporarily blind and then disappeared.
Stories are that there were rich people with nothing to do spreading fear over the country. Last report was in 2012.
Was it an alien? how can someone be alive for almost 200 years? Alien species who live long or another alien? How could people make such gadgets at beginning of 19th century? and master them so they dont fall or make mistakes?

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